Routines, Principles and Advice from Industry Leaders
Interviews with highly accomplished people can be time consuming and full of information that may not be helpful. Diligent Download takes a 60 minute+ interview and condenses all of the major takeaways so that you can read in < 5 minutes. The highlights typically include the routines, beliefs and advice from highly accomplished people. This is most time-effective way for you to learn from people that have achieved great outcomes in their respective fields.
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Thank you to every brand and organization that has supported me.
About Me (the least interesting person on this website)
Husband, Father to 3 boys (& 1 Golden Retriever), Believer in Jesus, Business Owner, Consultant to real estate investment firms/law firms/e-commerce companies, Runner, Cyclist, Skier, Surfer, Swimmer and Health Enthusiast.

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