Joe Stapleton

Joe Stapleton is the President and Co-Founder of Spinnaker Investment Group, a wealth management and investment firm with $500m in AUM. He serves as an elected Councilman for the City of Newport Beach and is former Chairman of the Board of the Newport Beach Foundation. In 2020, he was awarded the “Newport Beach Citizen of the Year”. He also has served on more than a dozen boards of directors for community and civic organizations including The Pacific Club, New Majority Orange County, Newport Beach & Company, Literacy Project, Speak Up Newport, The Pacific Arts Foundation, Lott Trophy, and International Executive Council. He is also the Skipper of the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce.

1. Walk us through your morning routine.

  • I’m up at 5am pretty much every day. I Intentionally put my phone on the other side of the bedroom so I try not to jump on my phone immediately. After I wake up, I go downstairs and eat the same thing every morning – I’m a creature of habit! Overnight oats, banana and vitamin c packet every morning! After I eat, I go through my email and check up on the news for the day. Once I am all caught up, I get ready for my morning workout which varies each day.

2. Do you have an exercise routine?

  • I have worked out for 2,573 days in a row – I’m not addicted to much but I might be addicted to working out. Even when I travel internationally, I make it a point to travel and fit in a workout every day. My go-to workouts are cycling, swimming, or working out with my personal trainer at the gym.

3. Do you follow a specific diet? Share a little about how you approach nutrition and any supplements you take

  • I do not drink coffee or alcohol. I do not follow a strict diet, but I routinely cut out sweets and breads. When I eat healthy, I can see better improvements in workouts and overall physical performance. When I am in Europe or traveling elsewhere internationally, I definitely enjoy all of the local desserts and pastries though.

4. How many hours do you sleep each night?

  • Typically 6 hours; From about 11pm – 5am. During the last last election cycle I ran on 5 hours per night.

5. What are some hobbies you enjoy?

  • I don’t really play golf, but I enjoy group exercise – cycling is my go to. Travel and adventures are also big for me. I have been to all 50 states on a Harley. I have been to 5 continents and the 2 I haven’t been to (Africa and Antarctica) will be achieved by the end of this year. 

6. Do you have any life mottos or principles you follow?

  • In March 2014, I got a fortune cookie that changed my life – the fortune said “take no risks with your reputation”. This mentality is applied in almost every decision I make. In my industries — wealth management and politics — my reputation is all I have and I value it deeply.
  • “An entire sea of water cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship”

7. How do you approach setting goals?

  • City Council is a great example. One thing I have learned about myself is that when I am committed to something I am ALL IN. There is no other option. I just get it done – there is no other outcome I imagine than the desired goal. 

8. What is your favorite way to learn new things?

  • The streets; mentors and surrounding myself with good people. I believe if I am the smartest guy in the room, I am in the wrong room. I am a product of the people I surround myself with. I rely on the relationships I have and try not to make the same mistakes twice.

9. If you could leave one piece of advice for someone younger, what would you share?

  • Outwork the guy next to you. If you outwork the guy next to you you will be successful. 
  • Continue to build your social capital.

10. Is there anything that you learned building Spinnaker Investment Group that you believe will help you in your recently elected role as Newport Beach City Councilman?

  • Leadership – the ability to bring like minded people together to accomplish a goal. There are not enough leaders in both industries, politics and business, so I am doing everything I can to bridge the gap well. I am excited to bring the business leadership skills I have developed into my community service. Additionally, social capital has allowed me to accomplish great things in both industries.

11. Is there anything that you haven’t done that you still want to do?

  • I have always wanted to be the President of a $1 billion wealth management firm — we are at $500 million right now.

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