Kelly Evans

Kelly Evans is the director of the editorial, design and creative department at Creators Syndicate and Publishing in Hermosa Beach, CA. A Maryland native, she is a graduate of Indiana University’s newly revamped and highly prestigious Media School, one of the top-ranked journalism programs in the country. 

Following graduation, she moved to Los Angeles and began her career at Creators as a part-time employee in late 2018. From there, she worked her way up to full-time and, by the age of 24, was named director of the EDC department where she remains today. A writer, editor and designer, Kelly now works and manages her team from Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood.

Walk us through your morning routine.

I’ve always been a night owl, so my mornings generally start somewhere between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. As soon as I open my eyes, I’ll scroll through email to see how the day’s shaping up. Coffee is nonnegotiable. Before sitting down to my desk, I usually ease into the day with a playlist or a podcast.

Do you have an exercise routine?

I love yoga and try to hit at least one class in the studio every week — even better if it’s hot yoga. My friends would tell you I walk the city religiously. Nothing beats an evening walk along Lake Michigan in the middle of summertime. 

Do you follow a specific diet?

I take daily vitamins and probiotics, and I’ve recently added collagen peptides to my regimen, but otherwise, I try to enjoy almost everything in moderation. Always leave room for something sweet and don’t forget to hydrate.

How many hours do you sleep each night?

Anywhere between 6-8 depending on the night. Every day is different, and it depends on my schedule, but definitely 8+ on weekends. 

What are some hobbies you enjoy?

Anything related to words — talking/catching up with friends and family, reading (of course), and trying to crack my last New York Times crossword time. I also love cooking and discovering new restaurants around the city. 

Do you have any life mottos or principles you follow? 

Humility is one of the most attractive qualities to have, in life and in business. 

How do you approach setting goals? 

I take a mental inventory of what’s working and what’s not in my personal and professional life, and from there create new routines and habits. I approach it with thoughtfulness and flexibility. I realize realistically that meaningful, long-lasting change takes time, and I allow myself the space and grace to make goals into realities. 

What is your favorite way to learn new things?  

I learn best through visual, experiential learning. Putting myself in the shoes of my teacher and shadowing them helps me perfect a new technique best. I also look to others for advice through podcasts and reading, as well as consulting friends, family and mentors.

What do you consider as the most important element to your success?

Honestly, it’s been a perfect equation of the right timing, the right people and lots of hard work. I’m eternally lucky to have been in the right place at the right time in my life to meet smart, successful, influential individuals who saw my potential and took me under their wing. After that, it’s all about applying oneself and putting in the time and elbow grease to climb the ladder.

As the Head of Editorial, Design & Creative at Creators, what part of your job excites you the most? 

The potential for growth and greatness. The media landscape these days is constantly changing, which is simultaneously beautiful, challenging, rewarding and sometimes terrifying. Today looks so different from my first day at Creators four years ago. I’m excited to continue leading our team through industry shifts and collaborating on ways to propel our business forward, in journalism and in publishing. Adapt or die. 

What is one thing that you really want to do in the next 10 years?

Travel is definitely a top priority. I want to see as much of the world as I can. Greece, Egypt and the Netherlands are at the top of my list right now.

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