Tyler Mattox

Tyler Mattox is a Principal at MCA Realty and is responsible for directing the investment related activities including the acquisition, development and disposition of all investments. He has over 32 years of broad based real estate experience and is a California licensed real estate broker.

Prior to MCA Realty, he was the Principal Owner of Mattox Property Services, an opportunistic real estate investment and development company that identified and acquired underperforming assets. In this role, he managed all facets of the repositioning process, including acquisitions, financial underwriting, debt and equity capitalization and physical due diligence. Prior to the formation of Mattox Property Services, Tyler was employed by CBRE and during his tenure rose to the level of Senior Vice President, the highest position available to producers at the time of his departure. He is married with a daughter, and lives in Laguna Niguel, California. In his spare time he enjoys golf, travel, and time with family.

Walk us through your morning routine.

I generally wake up between 5 and 6 AM, go to my home office and have my two cups of coffee while reading the Wall Street Journal.  I go through and reply to e-mails that came in over the evening (and delete a lot of them). I read several trade publications and data services to try to be informed of secular trends in the real estate industry and particularly in industrial real estate as that is our primary focus at MCA Realty.  At either 8 or 9, depending on the day of the week, I go to see my trainer for an hour workout, or on non-training days I typically go to a Yoga class to try to maintain flexibility and mobility in my aging body! Yoga is also a good time for reflection and to recharge for the day ahead.  

Do you follow a specific diet?

Unfortunately, I do not maintain a perfect diet by any means but I generally follow intermittent fasting, so I don’t eat breakfast. I generally eat a fair amount at lunch and usually a light dinner, sometimes no dinner, with the caveat that if I have a business engagement. The dinner sometimes is not as light as I might hope.

How many hours do you sleep each night? 

I’m happy if I get 8 hours, sometimes I get as little as six hours.  I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older that I need to get good sleep and if I get at least 7 hours, then I’m adequately rested. 

What are some hobbies you enjoy?

I enjoy golf and play 2 times per week most weeks when I’m in Southern California.  I also enjoy skiing and will get between 15 to 30 days a year primarily, in Deer Valley , Utah. I enjoy traveling and try to take a few trips a year to various locales — often times these trips incorporate golf.

Do you have any life mottos or principles you follow? 

I think on the work side we try to foster a relaxed corporate culture, and maintain a “work hard play hard” environment.  I also like to seek advice from people who are smarter than me (lots of candidates)  or who have a different perspective on things, as I try to avoid becoming myopic in my decision making processes.  I am also a big believer in transparency in both personal and professional life. 

How do you approach setting goals? 

Business goals are something that I communicate closely with my business partner on and we are fortunate to have pretty strong consensus on most material goals for the company.  Most of my personal goals are centered around adhering to an exercise and wellness regimen and to being as involved (as a 15 year old girl will allow) as possible in my daughter’s life. 

What is your favorite way to learn new things?  

I’m a voracious reader. I like to read articles and memos from those who have either excelled in business, or who are in similar life circumstances that I find myself in. I try to read as many relevant articles from smart people as I can.  I also enjoy webcasts from prominent economists and industry insiders. 

If you could leave one piece of advice for someone younger, what would you share?

As a young person entering the workforce, find mentors who are willing to provide guidance and insight into your chosen profession.  I also believe that being able to effectively evaluate risk is one of the most important traits in most successful business people.  I would advise any young person to have at least a rudimentary understanding of finance.  Regardless of your chosen career, finance, at a minimum, on a personal level will be something that will be a constant in your life so understanding it early will give you a head start.  

Where is your favorite place to travel in the world? 


Is there anything that you haven’t done that you still want to do?

Play Augusta National before my game further deteriorates and I can’t appreciate it. 

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